I'm from Washington DC, which is split into different wards, and my mother's maiden name is Ward. There are also four people in my family, I've created four different styles of wine to each represent a different person.
Growing up, my dad always told me about the beauty of Chocolate City and the rich history of Washington DC. I am lucky to have grown up in the house my dad grew up in, we've had the same home phone number since he was 9 years old. Being a fourth Generation native to Washington DC, is something you see less and less.
Endlessly fascinated by discovery, every wine in the Ward Four collection is inspired by a loved one. Whether it's the playful, lighter and more fun personality of Teddy’s skin contact white wines or the gutsier, fuller-bodied character of Ted’s reds, you can tell every bottle has been made with love, compassion and honour.
Ward Four Wines is built on my core four, but I would be nowhere without my godmom, uncles, aunties, and friends.
Our aim is to bring an entirely new level of personal vulnerability to the world of wine - shifting the dial and shining a light loudly and proudly on the beautiful people who inspire me.
Every wine tells a story.
